N.A.Vetrova¹, A.A. Filyaev², V.D. Shashurin³
1, 2, 3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia),
1 vetrova@bmstu.ru; 2 alex.filyaev.98@gmail.com; 3 schashurin@bmstu.ru
The rapid development of micro- and nanoelectronics has led to the possibility of designing modern semiconductor devices based on a superlattices, which operate as nanoscale channels. Now such heterostructures are often used to create nanoelectronic devices operating at terahertz frequencies or optoelectronic devices. One of the most important parameters that determines the electrical properties of semiconductor devices based on heterostructures is the transparency of the heterostructure. Modeling the current-voltage characteristics (CVC) of nanoelectronic devices is characterized by a long computation time, which causes problems in modeling the CVC kinetics due to multiple self-consistent calculations. So, optimization of the calculation is carried out by using a high-speed computational algorithm at the stage of calculating the transparency of the low-dimensional arbitrary complexity channel. In addition, it is important to use a numerically stable computational model to ensure a satisfactory accuracy in calculating CVC of nanoelectronic device. Superlattices, operating as a nanoscale channel of semiconductor devices, have a difficult potential relief, which can’t only increase the calculated time of the computational algorithm, but also violate its computational stability. So, the actual task is to develop a methodology for predicting the transparency of the channel of semiconductor devices on low-dimensional 2D structures with quantum confinement and transverse current transfer based on not only a high-speed, but also a numerically stable quantum-mechanical model for calculating the transparency of the superlattices.
Based on the results of this work, a methodology has been developed for predicting the transparency of a nanoscale arbitrary complexity channel of semiconductor devices on low-dimensional 2D structures with quantum confinement and transverse current transfer, which makes it possible to calculate the transmission coefficient of both double-barrier structures (for example, a low-dimensional channel in resonant tunneling diodes) and multilayer superlattices (for example, a low-dimensional channel in quantum cascade lasers). The main advantage of this methodology is the ability to ensure stability and increased speed of the computational model of the transparency of a channel with a different number of heterostructure layers, which makes it possible to optimize the stationary predictor block as part of the CVC kinetics algorithm in order to predict the operational parameters of a wide class of nanoelectronic devices, including their reliability indicators.
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