T.S. Romanova – Ph.D. (Biol.), Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Moscow)
E-mail: romtatyana@mail.ru
K.A. Malsagova – Ph.D. (Biol.), Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Moscow)
E-mail: f17-1086@yandex.ru
T.O. Pleshakova – Dr Sc. (Biol.), Deputy Director of Research, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Moscow)
E-mail: pleshakova@gmail.com
A.A. Valueva – Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Moscow); D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow)
E-mail: varuevavarueva@gmail.com
R.A. Galiullin – Lead Programmer, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Moscow)
E-mail: rafael.anvarovich@gmail.com
V.S. Ziborov – Leading Specialist, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Moscow); Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the RAS (Moscow)
E-mail: ziborov.vs@yandex.ru
O.F. Petrov – Academician of the RAS, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Director of the Institute,
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the RAS (Moscow)
E-mail: ofpetrov@ihed.ras.ru
V.G. Nikitaev – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of computer medical system, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow)
E-mail: kaf46@mail.ru
A.N. Pronichev – Ph.D. (Eng.), First Deputy Head of the Department of Computer Medical Systems, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow)
E-mail: kaf46@mail.ru
E.A. Druzhinina – Post-graduate Student, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow)
E-mail: kaf46@mail.ru
Yu.D. Ivanov – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of the Nanobiotechnology Laboratory,
Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Moscow)
E-mail: yurii.ivanov.nata@gmail.com
The number of oncological patients increases every year, most of them seek medical attention too late. Therefore, the frequency of fatalities is high. Meanwhile, oncotherapy started on time is effective in 95% of cases. This means that it is necessary to develop and implement in medical practice of high-sensitive and exact methods of diagnostics at early and asymptomatic stage of cancer. Review of the most sensitive, exact and promising for mass use in medical practice methods of detection of cancer associated biomolecules at early stage of cancer in patients’ blood.
Field-effect transistor biosensors are the most sensitive. Their principle of action is field-based. At adsorption of charged target proteins on sensors surface an electric field appears, which changes charge carriers concentration in near-surface layer of a semiconductor and its conductivity. Carbon nanotubes, graphene and silicon nanowires are applied as sensor elements of the field-effect transistor nanobiosensors. Their advantages are: high ratio the surface/volume increases sensors sensibility, the measurements are carried out in real time and label-free. The sensors surface is functionalisated with antibodies or aptamers for exact detection of target molecules. Aptamers in comparison with antibodies more stable at storage and analysis, they have higher affinity and cheaper production. The nanobiosensors based on carbon nanotubes, graphene and silicon nanowires are enable to detect of proteins associated with cancer with a concentration sensitivity in a buffer solution to 10−18 М and in serum to 10−16 М. Since most part of cancer associated proteins is non-specific inflammatory proteins and does not form in tumor cells, miRNAs are considered as oncomarkers. Cancerspecific miRNAs are revealed in blood at early stage of the disease and their amount increases with the tumor growth. This miRNAs were also detected to 10−18 М in a buffer solution and to 10−16 М in serum with carbon nanotubes, graphene and silicon nanowires. Carbon nanotubes and graphene with pre-defined properties are difficult to get in large quantities, for this reason such biosensors are difficult-to-make for mass diagnostics. Fabrication of silicon nanowire biosensors is CMOS-compatible.
This review points out the prospects for the use of nanowire biosensors «silicon-on-insulator» based in medical practice for mass early diagnostic of serious illness with long asymptomatic period, in particular oncological diseases.
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