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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Creation of integrated environment at the university for distance and blended education of engineering profile
R.S. Zagidullin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Electronic Systems and Devices, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: zag@bmstu.ru A.S. Chernikov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Dean of the Faculty of International Educational Programs, Head of Educational &Research Laboratory of Computer Information Systems and Technologies, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: chernik@bmstu.ru
In recent years in university education of many countries all over the world distance and blended forms of learning are intensively developing. This became possible after the appearance of high-speed communication lines and new hardware. Network universities are actively developing. Russian universities are actively participating in the work of network universities of CIS, SCO and BRICS countries. In universities of the Russian Federation the electronic information and educational environment (EIEE) is actively developing. However, it has been found that in engineering higher educational institutions and in secondary technical institutions there are additional obstacles that retard the use of distance form of learning in the preparation of engineering and secondary technical specialties in technical higher educational institutions and vocational schools. It is the impossibility to distantly conduct laboratory workshops on the basis of traditional teaching technologies and outdated instrumentation pool stock. This paper considers the solution of the problem of organizing laboratory workshops in terms of the implementation of an automated installation and software for testing and recording the work results with the subsequent transmission of the data to the student and teacher, as well as to the subsystem for monitoring the current academic performance of the information system for support of the administrative control of the educational process Electronic University (EU). Thus, by integrating the environment where the experiment has been conducted (Multisim, LabVIEW), the learning environment (MOODLE, «Configurator») and the environment for support of the control of the educational process (EU), a unified environment for distance learning of engineering profile has been created. The developed software module «Configurator», integrated into the MOODLE environment, can increase its functionality with the upgrade of the Electronic University system and the appearance of hardware for automation of the experiment. One of the possible improvements of the software integration module is the implementation of the function of updating the lists of students and disciplines. The complex allows to solve not only the present-day problems, but is also able to work in the long run. The complex is invariant to the subject area and can be used not only in electronics and radio engineering courses, but also in courses which involve laboratory works with increased risk when being carried out (laser installations, engine test installations) or with strict requirements to the cleanliness of premises (manufacture of optical parts, etc.). Distance laboratory workshops can in this environment use user computers with less stringent requirements both to the speed and memory capacity, for it is not a secret that the financial side of the hardware is also quite problematic. In case of severe restrictions on the user-s hardware it is possible to use only executable files without unwinding the full LabVIEW environment. The visualization of experiments can also be provided, in fact, there is a possibility in the complex to connect network WEB cameras as well as local USB cameras. The process of variant selection is quite simple and does not require any additional efforts from the teacher-developer. And the integration of this complex with the environment of the Electronic University of BMSTU makes it a universal means for organizing and conducting the educational process.
Pages: 27-39


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