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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Additive manufacturing in metal: technology advances generate new research challenges
additive manufacturing
electron beam melting
metastable phase solidification
new mate-rials
non-stationary metallurgy.
Andrey Koptyug - Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mid Sweden University, Sports Tech Research Centre, Östersund, Sweden
E-mail: andrei.koptioug@miun.se
Lars-Erik Rännar - Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mid Sweden University, Sports Tech Research Centre, Östersund, Sweden
E-mail: lars-erik.rannar@miun.se
Mikael Bäckström - Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mid Sweden University, SportsTech Research Centre, Östersund, Sweden
E-mail: mikael.backstrom@miun.se
Roman Surmenev - Department of Experimental Physics, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
E-mail: surmenev@tpu.ru
Additive Manufacturing, AM (also widely known as 3D-printing) is a family of modern methods actively penetrating modern industrial manufacturing and promising to become in coming years one of the leading industry branches. Powder-bed beam additive manufacturing technologies (electron beam melting or EBM, and laser-based ones) in metal are among the most promising representatives of this family allowing for manufacturing of components of extremely complex shapes in traditional alloys and unique new materials. Rapid development of these technologies brings both advantages and new challenges. Present paper discusses extreme conditions of material melting and solidification characteristic to beam-based AM determining unique properties and microstructure of resulting material, allowing speaking about new "non-stationary" metallurgy. Paper also outlines the challenges that are hampering further successful development of the AM beam technologies, presenting the research fields for the future. Presented discussions are based on years of research and development expertise in the field of additive technologies, as well as in the subsequent processing and utilization of additively manufactured structures and products.
Pages: 12-25
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