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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The deposition of functional thin film metal coatings on critical components of gyroscopic devices for space applications
H.R. Sagatelyan - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MSTU n.a. Bauman. E-mail: h_sagatelyan@mail.ru
A.V. Shishlov - Head Office Branch, NIIPM - branch of TsENKI. E-mail: a.shishlov@niipm.ru
V.D. Shashurin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Chair, MSTU n.a. Bauman. E-mail: k_rl6@bmstu.ru
To reduce the deviations from equal thickness of conductive, resistive and dielectric thin-film coatings deposited on the parts of gyroscopes and accelerometers for space applications, the multimagnetron sputtering, the variation of the shapes of magnetron, the movement of the source of sputtered material or coating parts by given law in circular or complex trajectories are used. Also a variety of screens is used. Much less attention is paid to the possibility of providing the equal thickness of coating due to the selection of kinematic parameters of the sputtering mode.
This article discusses the dual scheme of thin-film deposition with the planetary movement in relation to extended shape magnetrons of covering substrates with vertical arrangement of the covered surface of the part, because it minimizes the contamination of the coating.
The modernization of UniCoat600 coating machine was carried out to increase the evenness of the coating. The vacuum chamber was equipped with additional single magnetron located remotely from the system of dual magnetrons. This allowed increasing the evenness of thickness of coating because of doing two transformations per one technological operation. These transformations provide mutually compensating deviations from equal distribution (convexity and concavity) of coating-s thickness. While the single magnetron forms a convex, and the system of dual magnetrons - concave shape.
Also the modernization of coating machine consisted in providing of a reciprocating rotary planetary motion of coating workpiece instead of planetary movement in one direction. It allowed to increase the productivity of the coating process due to the fact that the workpiece locates constantly close to the magnetrons in the process of deposition. Along with that, the quality of deposited coating improves because of its formation in stable conditions.
In addition to that, the UniCoat600 coating machine was equipped with the improved planetary mechanism of the carousel, allowing to provide independent control of rotation speed of the carrier of satellite gear and the planetary pinion of the planetary gear.
This, combined with alternating coating at a fixed single magnetron and an adjustable dual magnetron system - ensures equality of coating thickness due to overlay a symmetrical convex and symmetrical concave distributions of its thickness.
The fabrication of critical parts of gyroscopic instruments includes not only the deposition of purely functional coatings, i.e. materials such as copper, aluminum (conductive), aluminum nitride (dielectric), nichrome (resistive), but also the coating, creating a mask for the implementation of the technological operation of plasma-chemical etching of quartz glass. Such coatings should have a high chemical resistance. In the practice of plasma-chemical etching the chrome is usually used for this purpose. However, the deposition of chromium on glass with the coating thickness more than 100 nm is problematic due to the destruction of the surface layer of the glass substrate.
It is shown that mask for plasma-chemical etching can be created by depositing titanium together with aluminum. The thickness of TiAl coating on quartz glass can reach h = 20 µm, and more. Comparative study of chromium and TiAl composite as a mask material for plasma-chemical etching of quartz glass showed that the etching selectivity of the chromium coating is r = 18.5, whereas in the same conditions TiAl coating provides selectivity of r = 26. Therefore, to create columns on the surfaces of made of fused silica plates of pendulum accelerometers the sufficient thickness of TiAl coating is h = 1.5 µm, and to create different pits on the same plate the thickness of TiAl coating must be h = 10 µm.
Pages: 32-36
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