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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Mobile technological robots and simulators: integration software of group interaction
V.P. Andreev, K.B. Kirsanov, A.V. Kostin, S.V. Kuvshinov, Yu.S. Marzanov, D.A. Pankratov, E.A. Prysev, V.E. Pryanichnikov, T.N. Rybak, K.V. Kharin, E.A. Shipovalov
We consider the scheme of information flow transfer in the information measurement and control system (IMCS) in most types of mobile robots with supervisory control as well as in robots handling local navigation. We determine the functional structure and components of the IMCS of such kind of robots. We propose a network structure for controlling groups of mobile robots, built on the basis of modified Petri nets and experience in creating software for the simulator of the Emergency Control Ministry of Russia (EMERCOM) simulator designed for group work.
Pages: 74-79
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- Andreev V.P., Kirsanov K.B., Levinskijj B.M., Prjanichnikov V.E., Travushkin A.S. Sozdanie klassa ehlektronnykh trenazherov na osnove bystrodejjstvujushhejj lokalnojj vychislitelnojj seti // Informacionno-izmeritelnye i upravljajushhie sistemy. 2009. T.7. №6. S.82-92.