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Journal Highly available systems №1 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm for the formation of a scene for visualizing data for HT-devices
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20729472-202101-01
UDC: 621

A.V. Voronin

FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow, Russia)


Data visualization through the formation of a scene on the screen of a Hi-Tech- (HT)-device is increasingly attracting the attention of specialists in the field of computer science and software. This is due to the fact that the visibility of the visualized information is important not only for users of HT-devices (a person perceives 80% of information visually (with the eyes)), but also for analytics of decisions made based on the analysis of the visualized data. At the same time, there is a steady tendency in the world to increase the volume of visualized data, and the resource of its perception by a human is limited. The use of the patterns of visual perception of objects associated with the properties of the «golden» section allows one to formulate a visualization criterion for visualized data, and, consequently, an algorithm for the formation of a scene for visualizing data for HT-devices. The purpose of the study is to determine the visualization criterion for visualized data and, based on it, the algorithm for the formation of the data visualization scene, as well as the features of the algorithm functioning. The visualization criterion for visualized data is determined through the coefficient of coverage of the screen area. The optimal value of the coefficient corresponds to the mathematical definition of the «golden» section. As a result of the study, it is necessary to highlight the definition, based on the analysis of the properties of the «golden» section, of the visualization criterion for data visualization, the algorithm for the formation of the data visualization scene and the features of its functioning. The practical value of the results lies in the fact that the proposed criterion represents a mathematical interpretation of the «golden» section property for visualizing data on modern HT-devices of various sizes.

Pages: 5-14
For citation

Voronin A.V. Algorithm for the formation of a scene for visualizing data for HT-devices. Highly Available Systems. 2021. V. 17. № 1. P. 5−14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20729472-202101-01 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 4.02.2021 г.
Approved after review: 16.03.2021 г.
Accepted for publication: 26.02.2021 г.