М.S. Timofeev1, A.S. Bosiy2, A.A. Druzhkov3, I.V. Kolikov4
1–4 Military University of Radio Electronics (Cherepovets, Russia)
1–4 vure@mil.ru
A significant increase in the number of spacecraft for various purposes operating in Earth orbits causes the need for their timely detection and prediction of the flight path by means of monitoring the space situation. In turn, the peculiarities of the trajectory and speed characteristics of the flight of satellites at the stage of launching into the target orbit impose significant restrictions on their timely detection by active radar or optical stations. These circumstances determine the relevance of the search for alternative ways to monitor the space situation, one of which is the detection of such objects by means of passive radio engineering control by deter-mining the parameters of their movement through technical analysis of telemetry signals of on-board electronic means, including in the absence of access to the semantic component of information.
The proposed method for identifying the stages of launching spacecraft into orbit, based on the analysis of the spectral characteristics of the telemetric signal, in the absence of access to the semantic component of the signal, allows us to identify the degree of correspondence between the stages of the spacecraft's cycloramas and empirical standards.
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