A.E. Alekaev1
1 Military University of Radio Electronics (Cherepovets, Russia)
1 vure@mil.ru
When solving problems of multiparametric adaptation, promising high frequency radio communication systems are increasingly using adaptive forecasting algorithms. This makes it possible to predict the development of an interference situation for a timely response of a parametric adaptive system to changing communication conditions. But, due to the peculiarities of the HF radio channel's processes, well-known forecasting algorithms are used at limited forecast intervals. At these intervals, non-stationary processes of changing interference levels are considered as quasi-stationary.
Improving the accuracy the interference levels predicted values in the non-stationary nature of the change in the values of the time series of measured interference levels.
The article solves the problem of predicting interference levels in given areas of the decameter range, taking into account the unsteadiness of the signal-interference situation caused by the presence of abnormal values and a trend component in a number of measured interference levels. This contributes to the use of models and forecasting methods for non-stationary random processes, which will expand the period of prehistory and improve the accuracy of the forecast.
The technique contains a set of actions to identify and smooth out anomalous values (emissions) in the studied series of interference levels, which allows taking into account the non-stationarity of the processes of changing the signal-interference situation, and also includes the stage of determining the boundaries of the quasi-stationarity interval on the measurement interval of interference levels
The obtained results can be used to build systems designed to receive and transmit information under conditions of limited private resource, including to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of communication systems, as well as for the subsequent construction of algorithms for managing resources of adaptive decameter radio lines.
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