A.P. Ratoushin
Military University of Radioelectronics (Cherepovets, Russia)
The active development of complex dynamically changing structures of code transformations of modern digital signals requires the implementation of procedures for their recovery on the receiving side. The peculiarities of the implementation of such procedures are the heterogeneity of component operations for the identification of digital signals, including the study of the properties of digital signals, the compilation of an a priori alphabet and a working dictionary of signs of code transformations, the description of classes of code transformations in the language of signs, the development of identification methods with a choice of performance indicators and the identification of code transformations. Due to the dynamics of changes in digital signals and the requirements for their identification in any situation, the procedure should be optimal in a certain sense and its results according to the selected efficiency criterion should reach extreme values.
The article formulates the problem of situational configuration of a hierarchical identification procedure and presents a method for solving it based on iterative optimization of a set of distributed interconnected component operations. A new way of applying hierarchical identification procedures during the restoration of code transformations of digital signals in incompatible communication channels is considered. It is proposed to solve the given situations of technical analysis by configuring hierarchical procedures for extensional-intensional identification of distributed component code structures of digital signals. In order to solve the problems of situational configuration formulated in the form of problems of selecting a distributed set of interrelated heterogeneous component identification operations due to configuration actions aimed at optimal resolution of the technical analysis situation, the method of iterative optimization is applied.
The obtained results can be used to create special software that implements the construction of incompatible communication channels in the presence of a multitude of interconnected heterogeneous code transformations. It is also possible to programmatically implement the proposed iterative optimization method in the study of complex composite identification procedures in various situations and develop methods for their application for incompatible channels of any affiliation.
Ratoushin A.P. Application of iterative optimization to solve the problem of situational configuration of a distributed set of interrelated operations as part of a hierarchical procedure for identifying digital signals. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2022. V. 27. № 2. P. 72−85. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202202-09 (in Russian)
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