V.Kh. Ankudinov – Post-graduate Student,
Department «Information Systems and Networks», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU
E-mail: vladislav.ankudinov@gmail.com
A.V. Maksimov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department «Information Systems and Networks», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU
E-mail: av_maximov@bk.ru
In the first part of the article, published in the journal «Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems» № 9 for 2016, a kinematic model of the robot hexapod «snowflake» based on the mathematical apparatus of homogeneous matrices was obtained. The equations of the model were derived on the basis of the solution of the direct kinematics problem of the considered robot. It is noted that the results can be successfully used in the future in solving the inverse problem of kinematics of this type of robot.
To improve the efficiency of hexapod motion control in this part of the article the derivation of the equations of its kinematics model based on dual quaternions is given. The features of dual quaternions, their unambiguous relationship with homogeneous matrices, which served as the basis for the derivation of kinematic equations in the quaternion basis are noted.
On the basis of the developed matrix and biquaternion models the problem of inverse kinematics was solved and the simplest statically stable gaits were synthesized: one-legged, two-legged and three-legged. To test the synthesized gait and further research, a hardware and software complex was developed and manufactured as part of the hexapod «snowflake» and its simulator «Robosim».
The experimental results have shown that dual quaternions are more computationally efficient than a homogeneous matrix. Thus, to store a dual quaternion 8 floating-point numbers are required, and to store all elements of a homogeneous matrix – 16. The multiplication of dual quaternions requires 42 multiplication operations and 38 addition operations, while the matrices require 64 multiplication operations and 48 addition operations. Using quaternions requires less time and memory when organizing calculations in the control controller.
- Ankudinov V.KH., Maksimov A.V. Kinematicheskaya Model Geksapoda. Chast I. Matrichnye modeli. Elektromagnitnye volny i elektronnye sistemy. 2016. T. 21. № 9. S. 56−65.
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