I.A. Konnikov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Saint Petersburg
E-mail: konnikov_i@mail.ru
The article presents a technique for mathematical modeling the monochromatic field created in a flat-layered medium by a horizontal current, the field being described with the wave equation; the technique is oriented to the solution of problems of microelectronics. Analytical expressions for Green’s function for the small distance domain are obtained. The suggested solution is based on an employment of an earlier suggested and approved method of the equivalent propagation constant which enables to decrease the amount of the computation to a considerable degree if compared to other techniques based on the strict dynamic approach. A modification of a method for modeling the horizontal and/or vertical components of a monochromatic field created in a planelayered medium by a horizontal current is set out, the field being described with the wave equation. The modification is oriented at and intended for solving design problems of microelectronics, i.e., for small distances. The proposed modification is based upon an employment of the proposed and verified earlier technique of the equivalent propagation constant which enables to reduce the solving in the wave equation to the solving in the Laplace equations for the electric and magnetic potentials of the field and thus enables to decrease the amount of computations if compared to other techniques based upon a strict dynamic approach. Analytical expressions of Green’s function for the small distance domain are obtained.
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