R.M. Gadelshin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev E-mail: garadman@mail.ru
The solving of the Helmholtz equation for circular loop at spectral presentation on axis of the spatial frequencies was considered. It was shown when value of the spatial frequency of the source task more than undermost «resonance» frequency of the loop it is necessary to take into consideration a presence of additional relationships between solutions of the border task and of strictly Helmholtz equation. More full solution in contrast with the known solution, reflecting manifestation of the effect «apertures» and allowing solubility of the task in free importance of the spatial frequency, was offered. As example a field of inverse dissipation under normal irradiation was observed.
- Gadel’shin R.M. Obobshhennoe reshenie odnomernogo uravneniya Gel’mgol’cza // E’lektromagnitny’e volny’ i e’lektronny’e sistemy’. 2017. № 2. S. 33−37.
- Gadel’shin R.M. Adaptirovanny’e sistemy’ sobstvenny’x funkczij dlya odnomerny’x uravnenij Gel’mgol’cza // E’lektromagnitny’e volny’ i e’lektronny’e sistemy’. 2013. № 12. S. 4−9.
- aSpravochnik po radiolokaczii / Pod red. M. Skolnika. Per. s angl. V 4-x tomax. Pod obshhej red. K.N. Trofimova. T. 1. Osnovy’ radiolokaczii / Pod red. Ya.S. Iczxoki. M.: Sov. Radio. 1976.