I.N. Aliev – Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department «Physics», Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: alievprof@yandex.ru
Z.A. Samedova – Undergraduate, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: samezara@bk.ru
Discusses the distribution of surface currents and of the magnetic induction and the total energy of the magnetic field for the superconducting ball, located in an external homogeneous magnetic field. Surface currents determined from the boundary conditions, bound to a jump of the magnetic induction on the boundary. This notation is convenient because it allows you to simultaneously take into account the total surface current density, and it also includes free, and molecular and superconducting currents is only significant overall effect. After calculating the component vectors of the magnetic potential of the external field and the magnetic induction field of surface currents was calculated the energy of the magnetic field of a spherical layer outside of a sphere with infinitely large outer radius, and the resulting improper integral was converging. It has been demonstrated that minimum energy is achieved at full magnetic field equal to twice the value of the external field.
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