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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
General issues in the theory of guided modes of optical fibers
V.I. Krivenkov − Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.). E-mail: krivenkov.v@gmail.com
One of the main task in the theory of guided modes of optical fibers is a problem of their own waves (of guided modes) of the homo-geneous along a certain axis infinitely lengthy optical fiber made of doped quartz glass with extremely low optical losses in the infrared and visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the process of determining the waveguide characteristics of the fiber, as a rule the following, questions arise: the selection of a system of differential equations for the components of the electromagnetic fields of guided modes, the presentation of the dielectric constant tensor of anisotropic optical fiber; determination of the dispersion of the dielectric permittivity of doped quartz glass;most accurate calculation of dispersion, energy and polarization characteristics of guided modes with minimal cost of computing resources. Answers to these questions effects the efficiency of the chosen method of solving the problem, namely, the possibility of computing with a high precision of dispersion, energy, and polarization characteristics of guided modes of the considered optical fiber with a minimum expenditure of computational resources. In this paper we propose possible answers to these questions. Two systems of differential equations for components of guided modes of the optical fiber of the first order and three systems of the second order are presented in the invariant form. The dielectric constant tensor of anisotropic optical fiber is presented in an optimal form for to solve the problem on their own waves. The dispersion of the dielectric permittivity of multicomponent doped quartz glass is presented in the form of a generalized number of Sellmeier. Expressions for coefficients of the chromatic dispersion of the first and second order are obtained, whose application rovides high accuracy calculations and reduces he amount of computational work more than three times. The expression for the longitudinal flow of the power of the guided modes through the region of the cross-section of a uniaxial anisotropic a optical fiber, where the transverse and longitudinal components of the dielectric constant tensor are constant values is presented in the form of a contour integral.
Pages: 34-42
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