350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Antenna measurements using the method of time selection
P.V. Nikolaev - Post-graduate Student, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU, Scientific-research enterprise - Kaluga instrument-building plant "Taifun" (JSC "Taifun")
The paper addresses issues related to improving the efficiency of the antenna measurements. To achieve this goal, the use of the method of time selection is proposed. This method allows us to jump from the frequency domain to the time domain where it is possible to improve the quality of the microwave signal by filtering its interfering components. The basis conversion from the frequency domain to the time domain and back is the direct and inverse Fourier transform. The paper presents a mathematical description of the method and analyzes the technical requirements for the measurement system, including the possibility of its realization. To verify the antenna measurements carried out using the proposed method, a series of tests for the standard horn antenna is performed. Based on these results it is concluded that the method is applicable for improving the efficiency of antenna measurements carried out both in the far zone and the near zone.
Pages: 24-28

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