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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Computer simulation of Fraunhofer diffraction by H-fractals and Peano curves
G.V. Arzamastseva, M.G. Evtikhov, F.V. Lisovsky, E.G. Mansvetova
The results of Fraunhofer diffraction computer simulation by H-fractals and Peano curves with different construction algorithm and scaling factor are presented. By using the distribution of diffracted radiation Hausdorf dimensions of fractal objects under consideration were determined and compared with design values. Performed investigations manifested extremely productiveness of our approach to the computer simulation of light scattering by different fractals based on Fourier analysis of digitized photographic images. Such approach gave an opportunity to get on-the-fly information about fractal dimension - the most important characteristic of the objects under studying. The most preferable for this purpose is circle method based on numeral determination of average net intensity of diffracted radiation in the circles of variable radius centered in the point of principal diffraction maximum location.
Pages: 48-58
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