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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Automated complex of parcels loading in containers
I.V. Barsuk, E.S. Popova
This article is devoted to creating complex for automatic loading parcels into containers. It is formed the principles of constructing a control algorithm and the scheme based on complex accounting requirements to ensure the density of parcels packing close to the highest, the best conditions for the stability of the container and compliance with restrictions on its capacity in a fiber packing parcels. It is proposed a schematic diagram of the complex, and how it works. The automated complex of parcels loading into containers consists of measuring complex for determine the details, dimensions and weight of parcels, automatic collector and the automatic robotic arm. The main idea behind the construction of the complex, is to release the maximum amount of time to fully use the capabilities of a robot manipulator for speed and accuracy of loading parcels in a container.
For this purpose, automatic drive packages before installing proposed to perform as a pair of drive chain plate elevator drives with the possibility of an independent start-stop reverse motion and ensure supply of parcels to the place of capture of a robot manipulator arm, as close as possible to the container at a position suitable for capture. Using the final stages of loading parcels into a container of a robot manipulator with 6 mobile units and six lower kinematic pairs (degrees of freedom) makes the most complex considered universal: allows stacking of parcels, not only in a container with opening side doors and hard top roof, but in a container with flip-top roof, as well as on pallets and in trucks.
Thus, the discharge process drives the sorting installation can be fully automated. The use of such a complex addition to the savings reserve storage hump facility can eliminate manual labor in one of the most difficult operations of the production process of processing premises, as when loading packages into the container the employee must raise, repack and put it up to 360 kg of cargo.
Given the fact that postal communication objects for this operation employed mostly women, development and implementation of complex automatic loading packages into containers for the postal industry is a very urgent task and may have not only economic but also a significant social impact.
Pages: 67-73
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