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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Computer-simulated Fourier spectra multiplication of L-system prefractals
Fourier spectrum
computer simulation
convolution theorem
diffraction pattern
G.V. Arzamastseva, M.G. Evtikhov, F.V. Lisovsky
Simple procedure of computer-simulated Fourier spectra multiplication of L-system based geometrical prefractals with definite production rules and with seed set (axiom) in a form of unit black square is described. Realisation of this procedure within the frames of chosen fixed production rules bases on the substitution of L-system prefractal initial axiom by unit white square centred with black square with side equals 1/p, where p - any positive odd number except for unity. In this case multiplication factor of Fourier spectrum equals p2. Proposed procedure based on well known method of sampling with a comb function.
Pages: 29-32
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