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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Periodically Modulated Anisotropic Magnetodielectric Filling of a Waveguide
E. A. Gevorkyan
In this article the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a waveguide with modulated anisotropic magnetodielectric filling is investigated. At the same time it is considered, that the diagonal elements of the permittivity and permeability tensors vary in space and time under the periodic low. It is supposed, that in a similar waveguide propagates the signal wave with the certain frequency in a positive direction of OZ axis of some Cartesian coordinate frame (OZ axis coincides with an axis of a waveguide). Transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) fields in a waveguide are described by means of longitudinal components of magnetic and electric vectors accordingly. The wave equations for these components, received from the Maxwell-s equations, are solved with help of method, developed in our early articles. As a result of carried out research analytical expressions for TE- and TM-fields to a first approximation on small modulation indexes of the filling of a waveguide in the region of «weak» interaction between the signal wave and the modulation wave are received. These expressions show, that TE- and TM-fields in a waveguide with modulated anisotropic magnetodielectric filling represent a superposition of space-time harmonics of different amplitudes. Thus in the region of weak interaction the amplitude of basic harmonic does not depend on modulation indexes, whereas the amplitudes of plus and minus harmonics are proportional to small modulation indexes in the first degree. It is shown, that in the important frequency region of «strong» (resonant) interaction between the signal wave and the modulation wave (the width of this region is proportional to the modulation indexes in the first degree) occurs significant interchange of energy between them. It corresponds to realization of the first-order WolfBragg condition, when the waves reflected from high-density points of an interference pattern are amplified. Analytical expressions of frequency and frequency width of strong interaction are received.
Pages: 65-72
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