S.Ya. Klassina
P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow, Russia)
SThe theory of functional systems and the principle of system «quantization» of behavior are an effective means of studying purposeful human behavior. It is known that any impact addressed to the human psyche should immediately affect both its functional state and the effectiveness of its activity. Such influences are actively used in the practice of non-drug rehabilitation of a person, where they are used to weaken sympathetic influences. However, the question arises: how do vagotonics react to these effects, already having an initially predominant parasympathetic tone.
Study of the influence of psycho-influence on the parameters of the system quantum of activity in computer operators with initially predominant parasympathetic tone.
It is shown that the psycho-emotional impact is an external factor in the destabilization of the system quantum, and it has become not only a perturbing factor for the stability of the system, but also a starting stimulus for launching self-regulation mechanisms aimed at normalizing functions. System quantum, as a holistic open behavioral unit, "responded" to psycho-influence with adaptive restructuring, aimed at maintaining the efficiency of activity. At the same time, shifts in vegetative tone in vagotonics were aimed at normalizing the tone, and the magnitude of these shifts in strongly pronounced vagotonics was greater than in vagotonics. So, in strongly pronounced vagotonics, after psycho-influence, well-being significantly increased, situational anxiety decreased, blood circulation was activated, and as a result, the efficiency of activity increased against the background of a decrease in its «physiological price».
Psycho-emotional impact can be used in the practice of rehabilitation of the functional state of persons with an initially predominant vegetative tone. This kind of approach not only improves the functional state of vagotonics, but also increases the efficiency of their activities. The more pronounced the vegetative tone of the subject, the more pronounced the effect of rehabilitation.
Klassina S.Ya. Psycho-influence as a means of rehabilitation of operator activity in vagotoniks. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2024. V. 27. № 3. P. 5–12. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202403-01 (In Russian)
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