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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Determination of excitation wave propagation model parameters in myocardial fibrosis
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202402-05
UDC: 004.942: 616.127

O.N. Bodin1, F.K. Rakhmatullov2, N.A. Sergeantova3, R.F. Rakhmatullov4, N.E. Kruchinina5, N.V. Lamzin6

1,3,5,6 Penza State Technological University (Penza, Russia)
2,4 Penza State University (Penza, Russia)
1 bodin_o@inbox.ru


Currently, worldwide, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality in the population. One of the main components of most cardiovascular diseases progression is fibrosis. To improve the quality and expand the functional capabilities of cardiovascular disease diagnostics, the authors propose to refine the parameters of the Aliev–Panfilov model in cases of myocardial fibrosis foci.

The aim is to determine the parameters of the Aliev–Panfilov model for excitation wave propagation in myocardium with fibrosis within the framework of the proposed modeling approach.

The Aliev–Panfilov model provides information about the damaged areas on the heart surface according to the results of electrocardiac signal analysis. The genesis of myocardial fibrosis is considered. Quantitative parameters of the Aliev–Panfilov model characterizing myocardial fibrosis and responsible for the development of diastolic dysfunction due to a decrease in myocardial elastic properties were obtained. Profiles of excitation pulses for different parameters of the Aliev–Panfilov model were constructed. The process of reverberation occurrence in the damaged myocardial area was investigated. The obtained results increase the efficiency of functional diagnostics due to the representation of the excitation propagation process in the presence of fibrous tissue center.

Practical significance lies in the fact that determination of Aliev–Panfilov model parameters in the process of studying myocardial excitation wave propagation in fibrosis allows to perform more accurate construction of "electrical portrait" patient's heart; to correlate the change of TMPD shape for different anatomical heart sections and change of excitation propagation velocity in myocardium with the process of fibrous tissue formation.

Pages: 36-43
For citation

Bodin O.N., Rakhmatullov F.K., Sergeantova N.A., Rakhmatullov R.F., Kruchinina N.E., Lamzin N.S. Determination of excitation wave propagation model parameters in myocardial fibrosis. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2024. V. 27. № 2. P. 36−43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j19998465-202402-05 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 20.12.2023
Approved after review: 16.01.2024
Accepted for publication: 05.02.2024