E.A. Semenova1, M.A. Saveleva2, B.V. Sigua3, V.V. Kobrin4, I.P. Mavidi5, E.P. Burlachenko6
1–2 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University (St. Petersburg, Russia)
3 North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (St. Petersburg, Russia)
4,6 SM-clinic (Ltd “Medi Prof”) (St. Petersburg, Russia)
5 First Pavlov State Medical University of Saint Petersburg (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 EASemenova@etu.ru, 2 riray@yandex.ru, 3 dr.sigua@gmail.com, 4 thatkobrin@gmail.com, 5 mavidi999@rambler.ru, 6 burep@yandex.ru
The article is devoted to the development of an algorithm to support the surgeon's decision-making when determining the coordinates of operative access during laparoscopic interventions on the colon, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. A system of indicators has been formed that must be taken into account by the surgeon when determining the co-ordinates of operative access during laparoscopic interventions on the colon. The results of mathematical data processing are presented, namely: checking for the normality of measurements, correlation analysis, regression analysis. Geometric construction of laparoscopic access on the colon was performed. A block diagram of the algorithm has been developed.
Semenova E.A., Saveleva M.A., Sigua B.V., Kobrin V.V., Mavidi I.P., Burlachenko E.P. An algorithm to support the surgeon's decision-making in determining the coordinates of operative access during laparoscopic colon interventions. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2024. V. 27. № 2. P. 25−35. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202402-04 (in Russian)
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