V.S. Kumov1, A.V. Samorodov2
1,2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
The analysis of craniofacial morphology is extremely important in clinical genetics, since up to 40 % of all genetic diseases are accompanied by multiple changes in the structure of the face and head. The complexity and subjectivity of the description of the phenotype complicates the procedure of clinical differential diagnosis. Attempts are being made to automate the process of assessing phenotypic traits, but no accessible and interpretable method has been proposed for assessing congenital morphogenetic variants of the face that does not require 3D scanning. The purpose of this work is to develop and study a method for automated assessment of congenital morphogenetic variants of a face from a 2D image. A study was conducted to estimate the error of phenotypic parameters evaluation and the accuracy of face congenital morphogenetic variants recognition. A comparison was made of two approaches to the assessment of phenotypic parameters using direct 2D image and the result of 3D reconstruction. The method of automated assessment of congenital morphogenetic variants from a single 2D frontal face image, based on localization of facial points in a reconstructed 3D image, makes it possible to identify them with an average accuracy of 90 %. As a result of the research, the method was developed for the automated assessment of congenital morphogenetic variants from a single 2D frontal image of the face, based on localization of facial points in the reconstructed 3D image.
Kumov V.S., Samorodov A.V. Study of the method for automated assessment of congenital morphogenetic variants of the face in 2D images. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2023. V. 26. № 4. P. 28–36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202302-03 (In Russian)
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