S.Yu. Tverskaya1, A.Yu. Tychkov2, A.K. Alimuradov3, P.P. Churakov4, D.S. Chernyshov5, A.D. Ivanov6
1–6 Penza State University (Penza, Russia)
The study of the psychology of behavior, the psycho-emotional state of a person, as well as the creation of methods to combat stress and normalize the emotional state in the modern world are urgent problems. The method of adaptive correction of the emotional state through musical influence allows you to register the electrical activity of the brain and on their basis, a program for correcting the psycho-emotional state of a person is created.
The aim of the work is to develop a method of adaptive correction through the study of human emotions when exposed to various musical genres by calculating measurement results and digitally processing non-specific informative-significant parameters of changes in electrical activity of the brain.
The method is based on the combination of methods for assessing the psychoemotional state of a person. At the same time, an author's selection of musical compositions classified by genre, frequency, duration, etc. is used as an external influence to assess the change. This selection serves both to assess the psychoemotional state of the user and to normalize this state.
The resulting technique allows to quickly and accurately analyze the psychoemotional state of a person, select and safely conduct a program for its normalization.
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