V.K. Ilyin1, D.V. Komissarova2, E.R. Sadchikova3, I.L. Goldman4, A.K. Kolupaev5, P.E. Sadchikov6, N.A. Lukicheva7, A.A. Zhiganshina8, N.A. Usanova9, Yu.A. Morozova10
1,2,7–10 Federal State Scientific Center of Russian Federation – Institute of Biomedical Problem RAS (Moscow, Russia)
3–6 Institute of Gene Biology RAS (Moscow, Russia)
In the experiment on the model of anti-orthostatic suspension, the intestinal microflora of rats divided into 6 groups was studied. In 4 groups of 8 rats, which were exposed to anti-orthostatic suspension for 21 days, 2 groups took lactoferrin as a dietary supplement, with one of these groups having a rehabilitation period after the end of suspension, other 2 groups took placebo, one of them also had a rehabilitation period of 21 days. 2 groups were control, not suspended, while one of the groups took lactoferrin, and the second - placebo. As a result of the study, it was found that the number of opportunistic microorganisms in the group with lactoferrin at the end of suspension and at the end of the rehabilitation period was less than in the group without lactoferrin. The greatest difference between the groups in terms of opportunistic microorganisms was noted after the rehabilitation period. Statistically significant differences were found for 5 microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis) both in groups with rehabilitation and in groups without rehabilitation. The calculated eubiotic index indicates that in the group with lactoferrin and rehabilitation, the number of opportunistic microorganisms decreased by the end of the experiment, and the number of protective microorganisms increased, while in the group without lactoferrin and with rehabilitation, the ratio of opportunistic microorganisms and protective microorganisms practically did not change. At the same time, at the end of the suspension, the difference in the groups taking and not taking lactoferrin was insignificant.
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