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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2-3 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Hypoventilation breathing as a means of increasing the adaptability of the human body to intense physical work to failure
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202202-02
UDC: 612.745

S.Ya. Klassina

P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow, Russia)


Intense physical activity has a strong impact on the entire body of the athlete, forcing him to adapt to them. Adaptation is a systemic reaction of the whole organism, aimed at maintaining its functioning. The ability of an athlete's body to restructure and develop adaptive reactions in response to physical impact is defined as adaptability. Currently, many methods have been developed to improve the effectiveness of sports activities, but so far no impact has been identified that can increase the adaptability of an athlete. It is adaptability that largely determines the state of health and the level of fitness of athletes. It has been shown that arbitrarily formed hypoventilation breathing contributes to the growth of hypoxic stability and physical performance of the subject, however, it has not been established whether hypoventilation breathing affects a person's adaptability to intense physical exertion and what is an indicator of the organism's adaptability.

The purpose of the work – is to study the effect of hypoventilation breathing on the human's body adaptability to intense physical work to failure.

The study involved 14 young men aged 18-19 years. Each of them participated in two identical examinations, where they performed test physical activity on a bicycle ergometer to failure at the load power (160W) and the angular speed of rotation of pedals (1 rev/s). Between the 1st and 2nd examinations, the subjects were trained in hypoventilatory breathing for 30 days. The basis of the hypoventilatory breathing methodology was based on breathing training, carried out on the basis of verbal instruction and aimed at developing slower breathing in the subjects. For testing, a bicycle ergometer was used, and the control of the testing process was carried out using ECG, pneumogram and EMG. As an indicator of the subject's physical endurance, the duration of physical work to failure was used. In the initial background and at the moment of refusal of the load, the duration of breath holdings on inspiration, the level of saturation of arterial blood with oxygen, as well as the level of subjective well-being were measured. Stroke volume and minute volume of blood circulation, minute volume of respiration were estimated by calculation. The "physiological price" of the work performed at the time of refusal to perform the load was calculated.

It is shown that after training in hypoventilation breathing, the level of oxygen saturation in the blood, the duration of physical work to failure, hypoxic resistance and the level of subjective well-being increase in the subjects, but the “specific physiological price” of physical work to failure decreases. This testifies in favor of a decrease in vegetative rearrangements in the subject’s body, and, consequently, in favor of increasing the adaptability of the body of the subjects to intense physical exertion. The increase in the adaptability of the organism of the subjects is based on the transition of the systemic organization of functions to a new, more economical level of functioning.

The method of teaching hypoventilation breathing can be used in the training activities of athletes, since it is not only a means of increasing hypoxic resistance and physical endurance of a person, but also a means of increasing the adaptability of his body to intense physical exertion. In addition, hypoventilation breathing can be used as a non-drug means of protecting the human body in stressful situations, in extreme situations, preventing the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.

Pages: 15-21
For citation

Klassina S.Ya. Hypoventilation breathing as a means of increasing the adaptability of the human body to intense physical work to failure. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2022. V. 25. № 2–3. Р. 15-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202202-02 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 19.02.2022
Approved after review: 10.03.2022
Accepted for publication: 28.04.2022