350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №7 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
The use of digital technologies for personalized guidelines for the heart failure treatment
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-201907-06
UDC: 616.1:51(082)

D.S. Gazizova – Dr. Sc., Academician of Medical and Technical Academy, Chief Research Scientist, Bakulev National Medical  Research Center for Cardio-Vascular Surgery of the Russian Ministry of health (Moscow).

E-mail: dgazizova@yandex.ru

L.V. Sazykina – Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Bakulev National Medical Research Center for Cardio-Vascular Surgery  of the Russian Ministry of health (Moscow)

E-mail: sazykinalida@yandex.ru

S.N. Makoveev – Director TOGBU “Computer center” (Tambov)

E-mail: portal68edu@mail.ru

Ji. Kofranek – Professor, Biocybernetics Laboratory, Institute of pathophysiology, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) 

E-mail: kofranek@gmail.com

B.I. Leonov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, President of Medical and Technical Academy, General Director of OJS “Company Scientific and Production Association “Screen” (Moscow)


The article presents a digital technology based on analytical and digital models and methods. The technology combines the knowledge of specialists in heart failure treatment with knowledge, methods, mathematical models, algorithms, implemented by digital tools, providing a personalized approach to diagnosis and treatment.

The history of the development of automated systems, providing a personalized physician’s decision making on the Bakulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery experience.

Theoretical positions are given and the implementation of digital technology for the formation of personalized recommendations is described. It includes full intellectual control of the stages of treatment (including monitoring, video and audio monitoring); identification of the mathematical model of the cardiovascular system based on obtained data; finds the weakest link responsible for the pathological change in the state of the cardiovascular system at that moment. Allocates regulatory reactions of the cardiovascular system (compensatory, homeostatic and protective) to pathology and treatment. Synthesizes the best treatment, individual for each patient personally, using advanced imitation, based on personalized models. Thus, the technology provides the physician’s decision making in the selection and correction of therapy.

A model of integrated intellectual guidelines for the treatment of acute heart failure after heart and vascular surgery has been developed.

The presentation of knowledge in intellectual guidelines summarized and structured the guidelines of the Russian Society of Cardiology (RKO), the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the American Heart Association (AHA) and others, transforming them into hypertext, the rubrics developed software that allows you to conveniently work with hypertext.

Examples of online choice of therapy for the patients with open heart are given.

The experience of using digital technologies for 40 years in clinical practice (more than 20 thousand patients) has shown the effectiveness of individual therapy. Monitor-computer systems and methods of individualization allowed quickly, in real time, to transform general biological knowledge and values into personalized models. The latter, using advanced imitation, helped synthesize the best treatment, individual for each patient personally. As a result, it was possible to drastically reduce complications, adapt monitor-computer systems to the task of individual therapy, convert them into systems of intellectual support for physician's decisions, expand the use of digital models and methods to the technology, with the inclusion of tools and central nervous system research programs.

Pages: 47-58
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Date of receipt: 28 июня 2019 г.