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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Possibility of direct ultrasonic impact on the functional state and the enzymatic activity of tissue cells of felines
A.A. Oleshkevich Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Chairs of Informational Technologies, Mathematics and Physics, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA by K.I. Skryabin. E-mail: kompsotita@gmail.com
The literature provides a number of examples in which exposure of cells to therapeutic ultrasound modified cellular functions. Non-thermal levels of ultrasound are reported to modulate membrane properties, alter cellular proliferation, and produce increases in proteins associated with inflammation and injury repair [6, 8]. The investigations in order to determine the behavior features of cells of different kinds of animals in ultrasonic field were carried out. The possibility of acoustic waves use for directional non-invasive impact on the functional state of animal tissue cells was shown. As a model object the liquid tissue - blood - was used. The sample volume from 1 ml to 1.5 ml containing (6-7)×106 cells per 1 ml was placed in the cuvette and was exposed to the running continuous or pulsed- modulated US wave with a carrier frequency of 880 kHz. The range of modulation frequencies - 10-150 Hz or 800 Hz, of the intensity - 0,05-0.7 W/cm2, time exposure 10-45 sec. Analysis of the morphological cell status was held by means of a light microscope and the trypan blue-test. From cell colored in blue, top deformation of cytoplasmatic membrane, morphological changes/deformation and destruction of nuclear, changes in the cytoplasmic structure and its vacuolization there was determined the presence and direction of impact. The following cytomorphological US effects in RBC of felines were detected: change of shape, the formation of symmetric groups around the cell and red blood cell chains without cytolysis, the appearance of shadows cells. White blood cells changed before erythrocytes, after 12-20 sec sonication by the active frequencies. The affect on granulocytes, led to the CPM damage and then the whole cell, began earlier than the same affect on agranulocytes and cells without any cytoplasm inclusions. Active frequencies that directionally changed the nucleus and CPM of the cell size from 4 µ to 17 µ are basically lied in the range of 10-30 Hz and 70-80 Hz as well as the frequencies near 800 Hz. The target of the last frequency can surely be considered the nucleus of cells. Directional non-invasive effect on the functional state of the feline target cells can be also carried out by continuous US exposure of cell suspension for 15-30 sec with 0.4-0.7 W/cm2 intensity in the nucleated cells larger than 10 μ, that had a pellet or cell inclusions, as well as in non-nuclear cells up to 4 μ or in 5-17 μ-nucleated cells without any inclusions in the cytoplasm, for 35-45 seconds (intensity range is the same - 0.4-0.7 W/cm2). This mode of exposure led to the morphological cell status changes, disturbed CPM permeability or its structure, braked nuclei or induced the nuclear lysis. The exposure to ultrasound could alter enzymatic activity of serum and plasma enzymes: creatine kinase, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. The US modes for the selective changes in the state of cells and alterations in cellular membrane/nuclear properties of feline blood cells were worked out. Ultrasound exposure conducted allowed to control vital processes, to inhibit or to activate selectively cell functions, and to modulate an enzyme activity. The research results can be used in cell and molecular biology, in experimental medicine, pharmacology, diagnosis/therapy of malignant tumors, individual selection of drugs and gerondoprotektors.
Pages: 36-44


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