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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Acoustico-graphic study of heart and lung sounds
Yu.G. Gorshkov - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
Data obtained by Russian and foreign researchers over the past 10 years show that heart and lung sounds, respiratory sounds and forced expiration sounds should be classified as complex non-stationary signals. The Fourier transform is the most commonly used spectral analysis algorithm to provide information on the frequency components of a heart and respiratory sounds. Computer analysis of heart and lung sounds is performed, usually based on Fourier transform, have disadvantages at processing non-stationary signals. The Scientific Research Biometric Technology Testing Centre of Bauman Moscow State Technical University and «Echelon» scientific-production association have finished projecting software «WaveView MWA» provides a higher frequency-time resolution of heart and lung sounds than the Fourier transform. A high frequency-time resolution of «visible sound» images is achieved using a signal multilevel wavelet transform. The notion of acoustico-graphic study of heart and lung sounds based on a new multilevel wavelet analysis technology is introduced. Acoustico-graphic study of heart and lung sounds belongs to a new trend of noninvasive functional diagnostics techniques. The frequency-time characteristics of heart and lung sounds wavelet sonograms are analyzed simultaneously with assessment of a subject-s emotional intensity based on their voice.
Pages: 16-21


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