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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Interaction of excitation, inhibition and disinhibition on the example of proofreading tests and computer game
G.I. Shulgina Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Faculty of Psychology, State Academy of Slavic Culture (Moscow). E-mail: shulgina28@mail.ru D.A. Berezhnaya Acting Head of Department of Psychological Researches, SBU, «MITs» (Moscow). Е-mail: dashur@list.ru D.S. Berezhnoy Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Engineer, Chair of Higher Nervous Activity, Moscow State University (Moscow). Е-mail: berezhnoy.daniil@gmail.com O.N. Volkova Student, Faculty of Psychology, State Academy of Slavic Culture (Moscow). Е-mail: zru84@mail.ru E.A. Zyablitseva Ph.D. (Biol.), Assiciate Professor, Department of Psychology, Military University (Moscow). Е-mail: evgeniazia@mail.ru E.A. Karavayeva Ph.D. (Psychol.), Head of Psychological Service, GBON SOSh 799 (Moscow). E-mail: kea.77@mail.ru
In the current work the method of measuring the main nervous system properties (excitation, inhibition, disinhibition) with the use of computer games and proofreading tests (modification of Burdon test) is proposed. The tasks used in the experiments were based on the experimental designs used in classical conditioning experiments and results were interpreted from this point of view. On the basis of mistakes, made by examinees during learning of active actions and their holding, criteria of excitation, inhibition and a disinhibition processes assessment were developed. Dependence of the received results on the CNS individual properties and age of examinees is revealed. Interesting data on possibility of identification of interaction of the instruction, working memory and action of last experience in process of performance of the next task are received. The approach to an assessment of properties offered by us and conditions of nervous system on the basis of development of active and inhibitory conditioned reflexes with application of proofreading tests and computer games probably can be considered as the productive technique supplementing the available any tests in psychophysiology. At further more expanded research and development of accurate indicators of norm and deviations from it, that and other test can be widely used in practice of pedagogies, medicine and selection of personals. The perspective of further research in this field is shown.
Pages: 47-56


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