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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
High-frequency ultrasound Doppler imaging in assessment of tissue microcirculation and vasoregulation endothelial function in patients with cardiovascular diseases
high-frequency Doppler ultrasound
Endothelial dysfunction
cardiovascular disease
O.L. Bockeria - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Bakoulev Center for CVS (Moscow)
N.T. Salia - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Senior Scientist Research, Bakoulev Center for CVS 135 Roublevskoe Shosse (Moscow). E-mail: natsalia@mail.ru
M.A. Sokolskaya - Ph.D. (Med.), cardiologist, Bakoulev Center for CVS (Moscow)
A.Sh. Krymshamkhalova - Post-graduate Student, Bakoulev Center for CVS (Moscow)
Pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of microcirculation disorders are varied. They are especially important in cardiovascular system (CVS) diseases, in which pathogenesis are tissue, overall hemodynamic and endothelial dysfunction. Nowadays, in clinical practice in patients with CVS diseases, is very important the assessment of tissue microcirculation and vasoregulation endothelial function. It is necessary to study the microcirculatory bed for early detection of disease, patient monitoring, prediction of disease outcome, timely appointment of conservative therapy and for control the treatment effectiveness.
One of the important tasks of modern medicine is to find the earliest markers of endothelial structure and function disorders for the prevention of various illnesses. The literature describes many methods of diagnosis of endothelial dysfunction, that are based on different principles. So, the presence of endothelium dysfunction in a patient can be confirmed using a variety of instrumental methods by the analysis of vascular responses during the load tests. One of the methods to evaluate the vasoregulation function of the endothelium is a high-frequency Doppler ultrasound, with the functional occlusion tests.
In this paper is studied the role of high-frequency ultrasound Doppler imaging in assessment of tissue microcirculation and vasoregulation endothelial function in patients with cardiovascular diseases. In study were included 70 patients with ischemic heart diseases, hypertensive disease, multifocal atherosclerosis and control group. The study found that, in the control group response of the microcirculatory bed to the occlusal trial test was appropriate and in the group of patients response was insufficient, that tells about endothelial dysfunction. It is necessary more researches to make a definite conclusion.
Pages: 3-16
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