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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Change of Extracellular Microbial Consortium Bacillus Badius sp. Fermentative Activity
T.V. Petuchova, A.Yu. Krynitskaya, D.M. Kalimullina
The purpose of job was the research influence EHF radiation of not thermal intensity on growth of culture Bacillus badius sp and it ферментативную activity. Сells irradiated during 5 mines on the generator G4-142 (frequency of an irradiation 60.8 GGz). Then a bacterium cultivated at temperature 30 0С within 48 hours. After cultivation microbial culture deleted by centrifugation. In received supernatant determined activity of protease,amylase and lypase, and also total protein. Further samples analyzed by a polyacryleamide gel electrophoresis method in denaturation conditions. In a course of the carried out researches is revealed, that the irradiation of Bacillus badius culture promotes increase of bioweight at 50 % and protein on 117 % .При study of the morphological characteristics of culture it was not revealed of essential differences in skilled and control variants. The activity of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes was determined. It is revealed, that irradiation EHF radiation results in decrease(reduction) of amylase activity on 77 %, protease activity at рН 9 (serine protease ) does not change, protease activity at рН 7 (metalprotease) is reduced on 55.5 %, and only lypase activity raises at an irradiation a little. As a whole it is possible to make a conclusion, that the irradiation results in reduction of activity practically all analyzed extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. The PAAG- electrophoresis data confirm results of biochemical researches. In protein spectrum of bacillus culture two fractions with molecular weight 66 and 56 kDa are revealed. Presumably one of them (56 kDa) is amylase, and another is chitinase or lypase (66 kDa). Is probable the increase of the general contents of culture liquid protein after an irradiation bacillus EHF radiation is connected with excretion of polypeptide and aminoglycoside antibiotics.
Pages: 21-26
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