350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of Spontaneous Activity of Muscle Fibers and Motive Units on the Base of Wavelet-Package Processing of Electromyograms
N.T. Abdullayev, O.A. Dyshin, K.Sh. Ismaylova
The possibilities of application of processing and analysis method, using the Wavelet-packaging decom-position for the learning of spontaneous activity of muscle fibers and motive units as well as refinement of pathologic process-s sharpness level and its remoteness are considered. The possibilities of application of processing and analysis method, using the Wavelet-packaging transformation have been considered on the bioelectric signals received at the registration of stimulative EMG muscle m.deltoideus. The groups of patients (10 persons per group) of the same age (50?55 years old) with the normal state of muscular system and with the following diseases: demyelinating polyneuropathy (PNP), carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and cubital tunnel syndrome (CubTS) have been examined. The researches are carried out on the electromyograph «VIASYS-MEDELEC», taking into account the peak amplitude of motor response, latent period, the speed of signal performance and distance between electrodes. On the base of Wavelet-package decomposition of bioelectric signals received at the registration of stimulative electromyogram of muscle fibers, the procedure of calculation of fluctuating index of neuromuscular system is developed. At the calculation of fluctuating indexes by means of Wavelet-package transformation, the Wavelets of Dobeshi (db1) have been analyzed as mother functions. The researched have shown that the increasing of resolvability of Wavelet-package decomposition results in increasing of degree of fluctuating index values separation for the considered cases. The fluctuating index (n) is an informative sign characterizing the level of chaotic state of researched neuromuscular system. It is possible even to classify the various types of diseases of neuromuscular system in accordance with the value of this index, because the graphs of (n) functions are divided and normalized naturally. For some considered family of diseases the maximum value of (n) is achieved for most pathologic disease. Assuming that the SRB-measure is entered for considered dynamic system of muscle fibers, the fluctuating index (n) can be considered as most appropriate characteristic of chaotic state and behavior of the system.
Pages: 42-48
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