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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Optimal Design of Heterostructure for Radio Signals Mixer Based on RTD
A.G. Gudkov, S.V. Agasieva, S.A. Meshkow
Nanoelectronics is main course of modern electronics evolution. One of its direction is devices based on nanoelectronics ele-ments. The most important specification of is devices based on nanoelectronics elements is their reliability prediction without change in process. Radio signal mixer is a part of Send-receive devices. Using resonant tunneling diode (RTD) is very perspective for these devices. RTD has several components. One of them is heterostructure. RTD-s heterostructure provides its facility and operation. External factors have an influence upon RTD while its operation, so RTD-s heterostructure changes will take place. It will reduce to change of RTD-s output electrical characteristic and radio signal mixer on its basis. RTD heterostructure degradation is considered as the dominating factor that has effect on RTD-s output electrical characteristic and radio signal mixer on its basis. Experimental data is validated heterostructure degradation modeling and its influence on volt-ampere characteristic RTD. Every RTD has its individual reliability within the bounds of each substrate, because manufacturing errors are in existence. The procedure of individual reliability prediction of heterostructure RTD and devices on its basis is considered. The procedure of reliability prediction of heterostructure RTD and devices (radio signal mixers) on its basis is offered. It is based on studying of its heterostructure degradation and other elements which are RTD-s parts. Besides this procedure can apply to reliability prediction of devices on the basis of others heterostructure semi-conductor elements. The procedure approaches for reliability prediction of production lot.
Pages: 61-67
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