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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
A Heart Rhythm Communication with Its Filling and Phase Structure
А. A. Kuznetsov
Practicing doctors apply the following clinical parameters to an estimation of a heart rhythm: pulse, filling of pulse, a degree of pulse rigidity and its uniformity. On the one hand, these parameters can put in conformity parameters frequency the analysis: the basic frequency of intimate reductions, density of capacity and peak half width on the basic frequency, the attitude signal/noise. On the other hand the same parameters can put in conformity statistics in the form of the main central moments for the normal law of RR- intervals sequence digital lines distribution: average value, dispersion, asymmetry and an excess. Uniformity of pulse is treated as stability of rhythm diagram topological structure. The integrated quantitative parameter responsible for a rhythm structure, appoints rhythm entropy, or the quantity of the information missing for the rhythm diagram storey structure full description. The work purpose is the establishment and research of statistical or functional connections between an average value, a dispersion and quantity of the information for rhythm diagram of healthy people groups. Object of the analysis were electrocardiograms of two people groups. All received ECG were converted in rhythm diagram in the form of RR-intervals sequences digital lines. At ECG scanning by the given frequency rhythm diagram gets storey structure. It allows counting full number of combinations of its construction with definition of selective quantity of information, missing for its full description. Criterion as average quantity of the information, falling one value of a RR-interval, or as an average of freedom degrees, represented yet to the RR-interval not realized is used at realization of a choice of this or that circle. The carried out analysis has shown, that managing parameter of a heart rhythm is average selective value of a RR-interval (RRav). The quantity of the information, accumulating by a heart rhythm of the healthy person, is in close interrelation with size RRav and for healthy people poorly depends on size of a standard deviation within the limits of 50 ± 10 mс. The heart rhythm mechanism structuring for healthy people is connected to the specified size, instead of with its change. Criterion is a direct exponent managing and regulation of a heart rhythm.
Pages: 18-23
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