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Журнал «Успехи современной радиоэлектроники» №7 за 2010 г.
Статья в номере:
Фрактальные антенны
А. М. Бобрешов - д. ф.-м. н., проф., декан физического ф-та Воронежского государственного университета
А. Е. Калашников - аспирант Воронежского государственного университета
А. А. Потапов - д.ф.-м.н., проф., академик Российской академии инженерных наук им. А.М. Прохорова и Российской академии естественных наук, гл. научн. сотрудник, ИРЭ им. В.А. Котельникова РАН. E-mail: potapov@cplire.ru
Проведен обзор работ в зарубежной печати, посвященных фрактальным антеннам. Приведены краткие сведения о фрактальной геометрии, фрактальных антеннах. Описаны конструкции таких антенн, предложенные в различных работах и проведена их структуризация.
Страницы: 47-60
Список источников
- Werner, D. H. and Ganguly, S., An Overview of Fractal Antenna Engineering Research // IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 2003. V. 45. No. 1. P. 38 - 57.
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- Anagnoustou, D. E., Zheng, G., Chryssomallis M. T., Lyke J. C., Ponchak G. E., Papapolymerou J., and Christodoulou C. G. Design, Fabrication, and Measurements of an RF-MEMS-Based Self-Similar Reconfigurable Antenna // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2006. V. 54. No. 2. P. 422 - 432.
- Petko, J. S.and Werner, D. H., Miniature Reconfigurable Three-Dimensional Fractal Tree Antennas // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2004. V. 52. No. 8. P. 1945-1956.
- Borja, C., Font, G., Blanch, S., and Romeu, J. High Directivity Fractal Boundary Microstrip Patch Antenna // IEEE Electronics Letters. 2000. V. 36. No. 9. P. 778 - 779.
- Puente, C., Romeu, J., Pous, R., Garcia, X., and Benitez, F., Fractal Multiband Antenna Based on the Sierpinski Gasket // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1996. V. 32. No. 1. P. 1 - 2.
- Puente, C., Romeu, J., Bartoleme, R., and Pous, R.,Perturbation of the Sierpinski Antenna to Allocate Operating Bands // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1996. V. 32. No. 24. P. 2186 - 2188.
- Walker, G. J.and James, J. R., Fractal Volume Antennas // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1998. V. 34. No. 16. P. 1536 - 1537.
- Puente-Baliarda, C., Romeu, J., Pous, R., and Cardama, A., On the Behavior of the Sierpinski Multiband Fractal Antenna // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 1998. V. 46. No. 4. P. 517 - 524.
- Song, C. T. P. and Hall, P. S.,Ghafouri-Shiraz, H., Wake, D., Fractal Stacked Monopole with Very Wide Bandwidth // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1999. V. 35. No. 12. P. 945 - 946.
- Romeu, J. and Soler, J., Generalized Sierpinski Fractal Multiband Antenna // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2001. V. 49. No. 8. P. 1237 - 1239.
- Hara Prasad, R. V., Purushottam, Y., Misra, V. C., and Ashok, N., Microstrip Fractal Patch Antenna for Multi-band Communication // IEEE Electronics Letters. 2000. V. 36.
No. 14. P. 1179 - 1180. - Perruisseau-Carrier, J., Hee, T. W., and Hall, P. S. Dual-Polarized Broadband Dipole // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2003. V. 2. P. 310 - 312.
- Kikkawa, T., Kimoto, K., and Watanabe, S.,Ultrawideband Characteristics of Fractal Dipole Antennas Integrated on Si for ULSI Wireless Interconnects // IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2005. V. 26. No. 10. P. 767 - 769.
- Liu, J.-C., Wu, C.-Y., Chang, D.-C., and Liu, C.-Y., Relationship Between Sierpinski Gasket and Apollonian Packing Monopole Antennas // IEEE Electronics Letters. 2006. V. 42. No. 15.
- Song, C. T. P. andHall, P. S., Ghafouri-Shiraz H., Henning I. Shorted Fractal Sierpinski Monopole Antenna // IEEE Electronics Letters. 2001. V. 37. No. 16. P. 1000 - 1001.
- Zygiridis, T. T., Kantartzis, N. V., and Tsiboukis, T. D., Sierpinski Double-Gasket Antenna Investigated with 3-D FDTD Conformal Technique // IEEE Electronics Letters. 2002.
V. 38. No. 3. P. 107 - 109. - Song, C. T. P. andHall, P. S., Ghafouri-Shiraz H. Perturbed Sierpinski Multiband Fractal Antenna with Improved Feeding Technique // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2003. V. 51. No. 5. P. 1011 - 1017.
- Tsachtsiris, G. F., Soras, C. F., Karaboikis, M. P., and Makios, V. T., Analysis of a Modified Sierpinski Gasket Monopole Antenna Printed on Dual Band Wireless Devices // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2004. V. 52.
No. 10. P. 2571 - 2579. - Kitlinski, M. andKieda, R., Compact CPW-fed Sierpinski Fractal Monopole Antenna // IEEE Electronics Letters. 2004. V. 40. No. 22.
- Song, C. T. P. andHall, P. S., Ghafouri-Shiraz H., Wake D. Multi-Circular Loop Monopole Antenna // IEEE Electronics Letters. 2000. V. 36. No. 5. P. 391 - 393.
- Song, C. T. P. andHall, P. S., Ghafouri-Shiraz H. Multiband Multiple Ring Monopole Antennas // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2003. V. 51. No 4. P. 722 - 729.
- Gonzalez, J. M., Navarro, M., Puente, C., Romeu, J., and Aguasca, A.,Active Zone Self-Semilarity of Fractal-Sierpinski antenna verified using infra-red thermograms // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1999. V. 35. No. 17. P. 1393 - 1394.
- Borja, C., Puente, C., and Medina, A., Iterative Network Model to Predict the Behaviour of a Sierpinski Fractal Network // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1998. V. 34. No. 15. P. 1443 - 1445.
- Puente, C. B., Borja, C. B., Navarro, M. R., and Romeu, J. R., An Iterative Model for Fractal Antennas: Application to the Sierpinski Gasket Antenna // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2000. V. 48. No. 5. P. 713 - 719.
- Ooi, B.-L., A Modified Contour Integral Analysis for Seirpinski Fractal Carpet Antennas With and Without Electromagnetic Band Gap Ground Plane // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2004. V. 52. No. 5. P. 1286 - 1293.
- Sindou, M., Ablart, G., and Sourdois, C.,Multiband and Wideband Properties of Printed Fractal Branched Antennas // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1999. V. 35. No. 3. P. 181 - 182.
- Werner, D. H., Bretones, A. R., and Long, B. R., Radiation Characteristics of Thin-Wire Ternary Fractal Trees // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1999. V. 35. No. 8. P. 609 - 610.
- Puente, C., Claret, J., Sagues, F., Romeu, J., Lopez-Salvans, M. Q., and Pous, R., Multiband Properties of a Fractal Tree Antenna Generated by Electrochemical Deposition // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1996. V. 32. No. 25. P. 2298 - 2299.
- Rmili, H., Otman, E. M., Floc-h, J.-M., and Miane, J.-L., Study of an Electrochemically-Deposited 3-D Random Fractal Tree-Monopole Antenna // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2007. V. 55. No. 4. P. 1045 - 1050.
- Tang, P. W. andWahid, P. F., Hexagonal Fractal Multiband Antenna // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2004. V. 3. P. 111 - 112.
- Ghali, H. A. andMoselhy, T. A., Broad-Band and Circularly Polarized Space-Filling-Based Slot Antennas // IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 2005. V. 53. No. 6. P. 1946 - 1950.
- Sinha, S. N. andJain, M., A Self-Affine Fractal Multiband Antenna // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2007. V. 6. P. 110 - 112.
- Best, S. R., On the Significance of Self-Similar Fractal Geometry in Determining the Multiband Behavior of the Sierpinski Gasket Antenna // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2002. V. 1. P. 22 - 25.
- Best, S. R., Operating Band Comparison of the Perturbed Sierpinski and Modified Parany Gasket Antennas // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2002. V. 1. P. 35 - 38.
- Авдеев В. Б., Ашихмин Ю. Г., Пастернак А. В. Сверхширокополосные плоские спиральные антенны с модулированными проводниками // Радиотехника. 2005. № 11.
- Puente, C., Romeu, J., Pous, R., Ramis, J., and Hijazo, A., Small but long Koch fractal monopole // IEEE Electronics Letters. 1998. V. 34. No. 1. P. 9 - 10.
- Puente, C., Romeu, J., Cardama, A., The Koch monopole: a small fractal antenna // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2000. V. 48. No. 11. P. 1773 - 1781.
- Vinoy, K. J., Abraham, J. K., and Varadan, V. K., On the Relationship Between Fractal Dimension and the Performance of Multi-Resonant Dipole Antennas Using Koch Curves // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2003.
V. 51. No. 9. P. 2296 - 2303. - Zhu, J., Hoorfar, A., and Engheta, N.,Bandwidth, Cross-Polarization, and Feed-Point Characteristics of Matched Hilbert Antennas // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2003. V. 2. P. 2 - 5.
- Zhu, J., Hoorfar, A., and Engheta, N.,Peano Antennas // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2004. V. 3. P. 71 - 74.
- Gianvittorio, J. P. and Rahmat-Samii, Y., Fractal Antennas: A Novel Antenna Miniaturization Technique, and Applications // IEEE Antenna-s and Propagation Magazine. 2002. V. 44. No. 1. P. 20 - 36.
- Guterman, J., Moreira, A. A., and Peixeiro, C., Microstrip Fractal Antennas for Multistandard Terminals // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2004. V. 3. P. 351 - 354.
- Best, S. R., On the Resonant Properties of the Koch Fractal and Other Wire Monopole Antennas // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2002. V. 1. P. 74 - 76.
- Best, S. R., A Discussion on the Significance of Geometry in Determing the Resonant Behavior of Fractal and Other Non-Euclidean Wire Antennas // IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 2003. V. 45. No. 3. P. 9 - 28.
- Best, S. R., andMorrow, J. D., The Effectiveness of Space-Filling Fractal Geometry in Lowering Resonant Frequency // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2002. V. 1. P. 112 - 115.
- Best, S. R., A Comparison of the Resonant Properties of Small Space-Filling Fractal Antennas // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2003. V. 2. P. 197 - 200.
- Gonzalez-Arbesu, J. M., Blanch, S.,and Romeu J., Are Space-Filling Curves Efficient Small Antennas - // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2003. V. 2. P. 147 - 150.
- Lui, W. J., Cheng, C. H., Cheng, Y.,and Zhu, H., Frequency Notched Ultra-Wideband microstrip Slot Antenna with Fractal Tuning Stub // IEEE Electronics Letters. 2005. V. 41. No. 6.
- Lui, W. J., Cheng, C. H., and Zhu, H. B., Compact Frequency Notched Ultra-Wideband Fractal Printed Slot Antenna // IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 2006. V. 16. No. 4. P. 224 - 226.
- Bao, X. L., Ruvio, G.,Ammann, M. J., and John, M.,A Novel GPS Patch Antenna on a Fractal Hi-Impedance Surface Substrate // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2006. V. 5. P. 323 - 326.