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Journal Antennas №4 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Planar slotted waveguide antenna array for monopulse radar
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j03209601-202404-05
UDC: 621.396.677

V. G. Koshkid’ko1, V. A. Fleyteng2, A. N. Dementiev3, D. L. Myasnikov4
1, 2 Southern Federal University (Taganrog, Russia)
3, 4 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

1 kvg59@mail.ru


In monopulse radar, along with mirror and lens antennas, slotted waveguide antenna arrays (SWA) are often used, especially in those cases when it is required to have a flat non-protruding shape and compact dimensions. The design and manufacturing of such antennas have specialties associated with the use of non-standard feeding systems of radiating waveguides, which are considered in this paper as the example of creation of a flat SWA intended for use in a monopulse search and tracking radar.

The aim of the article is calculating and modeling a slotted waveguide antenna array based on a hollow metal waveguide with a given level of side lobes and main lobe width of the radiation pattern.

The developed SWA contains a radiating and feeding part. The radiating part, with 24 linear resonant waveguide-slot antennas with longitudinal slots on the wide wall of the waveguide, is divided into two subarrays to realize the monopulse mode. Each subarray is fed from the feeding waveguide through slanted slots cut in the wide wall of the waveguide. The antenna design calculation has been carried out in the MathCad, and the modeling has been performed in CAD Ansys HFSS. The energy method has been used to calculate the coordinates of the longitudinal slots on the wide wall of the radiating waveguide as well as the inclined slots on the wide wall of the feeding one. The calculated radiation patterns of the developed antenna array in the E- and H-planes in sum and difference modes have been shown.

The paper outlines the methodology for designing a monopulse antenna system using a SWA. The system forms a beam directed perpendicular to the antenna plane. During the design process, the slotted waveguide antenna array based on a hollow waveguide has been modeled and researched to obtain the required characteristics specified in the technical requirements. The proposed approach can be applied to practical antenna design for monopulse radars.

Pages: 41-49
For citation

Koshkid’ko V.G., Fleyteng V.A., Dementiev A.N., Myasnikov D.L. Planar slotted waveguide antenna array for monopulse radar. Antennas. 2024. № 4. P. 41–49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202404-05 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 13.05.2024
Approved after review: 27.05.2024
Accepted for publication: 24.07.2024