V. I. Sakhterov1
1 Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (Troitsk, Russia)
1 sahterov@izmiran.ru
Currently, communication and signaling means of underground structures are implemented by wire lines. In addition, radio communications of various frequency ranges are used, operating within line of sight and having the disadvantage of interrupting radio communications in emergency situations. Low-speed broadcast systems using ultra-low frequencies are also used. This work shows the possibility of using subsurface georadar technology to organize a faster circular warning system for underground structures. Existing GPR instruments using ultra-wideband pulses in the 1 to 50 MHz band reach depths of several hundred meters. In this case, control of the radiation pattern of the underground radiation antenna is possible both in the horizontal and azimuthal planes. Modern methods of controlling antenna-feeder devices used in georadar are shown, allowing to improve user qualities for various applications. With the development of these methods, additional areas of application of these devices appear: in underground radio communication systems, for identifying low-contrast objects, for ground penetrating radar from aircraft. Based on the method for controlling the directional pattern of underground radiation antennas in the horizontal plane for stationary or specialized devices, a new method has been developed to control the main lobe of the directional pattern in the azimuthal plane of the transmitting antenna. A method has been proposed for controlling the radiation pattern in various technical implementations, which allows changing the position of the radiation pattern both discretely and smoothly. Examples of using the developed method for controlling the radiation pattern of an underground radiation antenna for the implementation of geophysical instruments of various types have been shown. The possibilities of locating underground radiation antennas in various soils have been proposed when using them in circular warning systems for underground structures.
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