R. O. But1, A. A. Larin2, M. M. Lipina3, N. V. Samburov4
1–4 “Typhoon” JSC (Kaluga, Russia)
1 madara_40_rus@mail.ru, 2 larintema@ya.ru, 3 marie121288@yandex.ru, 4 samburov.n.v@yandex.ru
The presence of attenuation of electromagnetic waves in feeder paths leads to a decrease in the efficiency of radio engineering systems, as well as an increase in thermal noise, which reduces the sensitivity of the receiving part of the system. In addition to this, the thermal mode of the path deteriorates, which may be the cause of a decrease in its electrical strength, as well as overheating.
For hollow rectangular waveguides, the loss value is determined by the following design characteristics: the internal dimensions of the cross section and the so-called microwave quality of the material in which the ultra-high frequency currents flow. For metallic waveguides microwave quality is characterized, first of all, by intrinsic conductivity and roughness of the inner surface.
It should be emphasized that a necessary condition for a full-fledged study of the problem of loss reduction in waveguide devices is the possibility of practical substantiation of the results, specifically – the possibility of conducting measurements of losses in the layout of waveguide devices. However, in many works this issue is not given due attention, and any results of estimation of electrical parameters of conductive layers are not given. The purpose of this work is to study the magnitude of losses in practical designs of waveguide devices. The study is carried out on device layouts, conductive layers of which are made (formed) from common materials of high conductivity with different surface states. This paper presents the results of the study of effective conductivity values of practical waveguide channel designs. The research methodology showed acceptable accuracy (3...5%), and the research results are consistent with previously known data, as well as supplement them.
The research results clearly demonstrate that such a widespread concept as the thickness (effective thickness) of the skin layer, obtained by calculation, is of practical importance only for ideal homogeneous materials. In other cases, the depth of occurrence and distribution of microwave current density is difficult to predict, depending on the coating thickness, roughness of the coating and the substrate, as well as on the ratio of their effective conductivities.
Most publications on loss reduction in waveguide devices address the issues of surface microroughness. At the same time, in practical designs, attention should be paid to the condition of the surface layer. And it is peculiar not only for galvanic coatings, but also for surfaces obtained by cold deformation.
Galvanic silver plating of the inner surface of brass waveguides used to increase electrical conductivity often does not give positive results due to the significant roughness and porosity of the silver coating. While the roughness can be improved (e.g. by mechanical means), reducing the porosity of the deposited metal represents a significant technological challenge.
But R.O., Larin A.A., Lipina M.M., Samburov N.V. Energy loss in practical waveguide channel designs. Antennas. 2024. № 2. P. 75–84. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202402-08 (in Russian)
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