V. L. Kolesnikov1, A. V. Bragin2, N. P. Urubkov3
1–3 Zavod RUSNIT, LLC (Ryazan, Russia)
1 kolesnikov@zavodrusnit.ru
Known designs of Ka-band phased array antennas incorporate an optical feed or a radial waveguide feed. Significant disadvantage of an optical feed is microwave energy overflow through antenna aperture, which decreases aperture efficiency and increases a side lobe level. Optical feed requires additional space for feeding antenna location and increases overall antenna dimensions. The design of a phased array with a radial waveguide feed forces placement of the phase shifter control circuits outside the dimensions of the array and increases overall antenna dimensions.
The purpose of the article is to design a Ka-band phased antenna array (PAA) with a waveguide feed with smallest overall dimensions and various aperture shapes.
The manufactured prototype of PAA with a grid pitch of 6x6 mm and size of 300x40 mm showed acceptable results of the side lobe level, scanning sector ±45° and gain factor.
Proposed Ka-band phased array antenna design allows one to construct the extremely compact radar of various types including airborne radars.
Kolesnikov V.L., Bragin A.V., Urubkov N.P. Ka-band phased array antenna with waveguide power distributor. Antennas. 2024. № 2. P. 46–50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202402-05 (in Russian)
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