350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Approaches to assessing the economic efficiency of multisatellite groupings of the Earth remote sensing
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202306-06
UDC: 330.341

A. V. Veiko1, A. V. Bloshenko2
1 JSC “TSNIIMash” (Korolev, Russia)
2 “Roscosmos” State Corporation (Moscow, Russia)

1 vlexa@yandex.ru


This article considers various approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of space systems for remote sensing of the Earth. The importance of this process is due to the fact that, unlike commercial companies, which primarily value profit, projects involving government institutions tend to have a more complex structure of performance indicators. At the same time, in the domestic scientific literature, the issues of substantiation of such a structure and its components are not considered, and the estimates existing in the articles are based on the assessment of the unit value of obtaining a snapshot of one square kilometer of the Earth with an adjustment for expert-defined coefficients that determine the value of this or that information for an undisclosed circle of consumers. In this regard, the purpose of the work is an enlarged consideration of the main approaches to determining the economic efficiency of groupings, as well as determining the reasons that cause differences in estimates of this parameter. It is noted that for the most part they are quite contradictory in nature, and, consequently, they are oriented towards achieving certain particular results. This conclusion is confirmed by the results of an enlarged calculation of the indicators, which showed that, in general, the existing indicators are heterogeneous and aimed at achieving different goals. It has been also shown that, in general, the effectiveness of the use of certain constellations is directly related to the current level of scientific and technological development of enterprises, and therefore this assessment is not static and those solutions that were ineffective may become more attractive. It is noted that the capacity to increase productivity for small remote sensing spacecraft is technically limited. It has been concluded that it is necessary for the Russian state customer to develop a unified methodology for assessing economic efficiency, which should serve as a practical economic tool that contributes to the development of the Russian commercial remote sensing data market, including in terms of data processing and dissemination.

Pages: 54-60
For citation

Veiko A.V., Bloshenko A.V. Approaches to assessing the economic efficiency of multisatellite groupings of the Earth remote sensing. Antennas. 2023. № 6. P. 54–60. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202306-06 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 12.10.2023
Approved after review: 02.11.2023
Accepted for publication: 21.11.2023