N. I. Bobkov1, V. V. Prozhivalsky2, V. A. Gluskin3, E. A. Gondarenko4
1, 2 JSC “VNII “Gradient” (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
3 Central Scientific Research Institute of All-Union Combined Arms and Space Forces
of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Korolev, Russia)
4 Glavkomat of Navy of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
1 ua6lac@mail.ru, 2 prow@inbox.ru
On the basis of a numerical experiment using the method of moments and the method of geometrical optics in the frequency domain, the radiation characteristics of a hybrid multibeam reflective tracking antenna in a wide frequency band have been studied. The reflector of the antenna is an asymmetric notch from a paraboloid, the feed is a linear cluster array, which ensures the preservation of the specified radiation characteristics in the frequency band with a relative overlap of two octaves. It has been shown that due to the appropriate choice of the amplitude distribution in the cluster, the width of the partial radiation patterns of the reflector antenna is maintained in the 4:1 frequency band with a deviation of no more than 12.5% from the nominal value, the relative level of intersection of the partial radiation patterns is maintained in the range from 6.5 up to 12 dB and the slope of the direction-finding characteristics varies from 5.3 dB/deg to 9.3 dB/deg.
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