V. A. Kochetkov1, I. Yu. Lysanov2, I. V. Soldatikov3, N. V. Shishkin4
1–4 Russian Federation Security Guard Services Federal Academy (Orel, Russia)
In the paper, a microwave lens tracing method is studied, which takes into account the influence of the beam-forming circuit elements on the amplitude distribution of the field over the antenna array aperture and multiple reflections of rays inside the lens cavity. An approach has been used that makes it possible to simulate the structure of microwave lenses and take into account the effect of mutual bonds inside the lens body. The proposed procedures are aimed at reducing time costs in the design of lens-type beam-forming circuits in antenna arrays of radio electronic equipment in the microwave-EHF wavelength ranges. The results of comparison of the ray tracing method and electrodynamic modeling of microwave lenses have been presented.
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