E. O. Mozharov1, E. S. Litvinov2, K. P. Chemaev3
1, 2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University’s Research Institute of Radioelectronic Technology (Moscow, Russia)
3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
Classic microstrip lines, despite their prevalence, simplicity in design and manufacturing, have a number of technical disadvantages. Relatively high losses in comparison with waveguides and coaxial lines are among these disadvantages. It is possible to combine advantages in ease of manufacturing due to PCB technologies and loss reduction in mono-pulse comparator (MPC). This is achieved by the quasi-coaxial rectangular waveguides.
The purpose of the article is to develop and experimentally confirm the electrical characteristics of the new geometry L-band MPC on a quasi-coaxial rectangular waveguide.
Technological and design features of rectangular quasi-coaxial waveguides and several geometries of the L-band MPC topology have been considered.
The L-band MPC has been developed and manufactured on the basis of the new selected geometry. An experimental test of the electrical characteristics of the new geometry developed L-band MPC on a quasi-coaxial rectangular waveguide has been performed. This test confirmed the accuracy of the design and the quality of the electrodynamic model.
The developed L-band MPC of the new geometry on a quasi-coaxial rectangular waveguide makes it possible to fit the device into the required design of a linear phased array and to obtain sum and difference radiation patterns with less losses than using a classical ring hybrid bridge on an microstrip line.
Mozharov E.O., Litvinov E.S., Chemaev K.P. New geometry of the L-band monopulse comparator in quasi-coaxial rectangular waveguide. Antennas. 2022. № 6. P. 79–88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202206-07 (in Russian)
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