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Journal Antennas №4 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Reconstruction of the reflector geometry of a satellite multibeam hybrid reflector antenna by processing antenna array signals
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202204-01
UDC: 621.396.67.012.12

P. V. Romanov1, Yu. I. Choni2
1, 2 Kazan National Research Technical University n.a. A.N. Tupolev (Kazan, Russia)


Ensuring a working coverage area for telecommunication systems via a geostationary satellite is associated with solving a number of complex technical problems. One of them is stabilization of the beams of a satellite multibeam hybrid reflector antenna (MBHRA) under conditions when the profile of its reflector is distorted due to the variability of the heat flux and mechanical factors. The severity of this problem is because in order to provide the necessary energy parameters, the gain of the beams must be at least 40–50 dB. To do this, it is necessary to form needle-like beams in fractions of a degree and, therefore, to comply with very strict requirements for the stability of their orientation.

Systems of optical or photometric control of the reflector surface and mechanical drives to compensate for deformations are cumbersome in terms of design. It is no accident, therefore, that in recent years there has been an ever-increasing interest in radio technical means for monitoring the current state of the reflector and electronic stabilization of the MBHRA’s beams.

This paper describes a heuristic algorithm for reconstructing the current reflector profile of a satellite MBHRA by processing signals received by elements of its antenna array (AA) from a ground-based beacon.

It has been found that if the distances between the elements of the antenna array are not too large, and the dimensions of the antenna array are sufficient to intercept the lion's share of the power of the field reflected by the reflector, then the following takes place. The excitation of the antenna array in accordance with the complex-conjugate amplitudes of the received signals leads to the formation of a field on the actual surface of the reflector, the phase distribution of which coincides with the phase distribution of a plane wave propagating towards the beacon. Taking into account this feature of the field emitted by the antenna array, the current profile of the reflector is a surface at the points of which the phase difference of the compared fields is constant.

Within the framework of a simplified model of physical optics, simulation of the process of receiving signals from a beacon and reconstruction of the reflector profile with various types of its surface distortions has been carried out. The results of the calculations confirmed that the discussed algorithm is operable under two easily feasible conditions: the elements of the antenna array should not be located too sparsely, and its dimensions should be sufficient to intercept the lion's share of the power of the ground-based beacon field reflected by the reflector. The given examples of reconstructing the profile of a reflector subjected to characteristic deformations demonstrate not only the operability of the proposed algorithm, but also the possibility of achieving high accuracy corresponding to deviations of the reconstructed reflector surface from the true one within hundredths of a wavelength at the operating frequency.

Dependences characterizing the algorithmic features of the analyzed method for reconstructing the profile of the MBHRA’s reflector have been given.

Pages: 5-17
For citation

Romanov P.V., Choni Yu.I. Reconstruction of the reflector geometry of a satellite multibeam hybrid reflector antenna by processing antenna array signals. Antennas. 2022. № 4. P. 5–17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202204-01 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 30.05.2022
Approved after review: 20.06.2022
Accepted for publication: 26.07.2022