V. L. Kolesnikov1, A. V. Bragin2, N. P. Urubkov3
1–3 Zavod RUSNIT, LLC (Ryazan, Russia)
Polarization selection of reflected signals makes it possible to solve most important tasks of radar: received signal level increasing, adapting to the level of scattering from the surface, and polarization suppression of active interference. One way to implement polarization selection is to introduce elements into the phased antenna array that control polarization in each channel. The element of a Ka-band phased antenna array has been developed. This element is structurally combined with a phase shifter, which makes it possible to control the polarization of emitted and received signals. The element has two linear and one circular polarization. For the developed element the dependences of the ellipticity coefficient have been measured for various durations of the control signal, under influence of a phase shifter. The model of the phased antenna array with polarization switching has been created. Radiation patterns of the antenna have been measured for three polarization. The developed element can be used to create new Ka-band phased antenna arrays with polarization selection.
Kolesnikov V.L., Bragin A.V., Urubkov N.P. Ka-band phased antenna array element with switchable polarization. Antennas. 2022. № 2. P. 29–33. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202202-04 (in Russian)
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