D. A. Litovskij1, M. S. Manakhova2, G. M. Alimirzoev3, I. S. Sorokin4, A. A. Trushanin5
1–5 PRIMA Research & Production Enterprise, LLC (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Development of wireless high-capacity data transmission systems requires broadband hardware. These systems are in high demand on manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The great attention is paid to issues of reduction of the mass and dimension of the hardware, increase in the transmission range and capacity as well as the reception and transmission stability regardless of the board evolutions in space. The antenna part frequently shapes the device and requires careful engineering. A promising solution of the above problems is the helix radiator.
The aim of this research is to select the optimal shape and develop the mockup of a monofilar helix antenna located above the reflector, based on the electromagnetic simulation results.
The electromagnetic simulation of the cylinder-shaped and conical-shaped monofilar helix antennas located above the reflector has been carried out. Based on the comparative analysis of the obtained data, the optimal helix antenna shape has been selected for further modeling. The reverse conical-shaped helix antenna mockup located above the reflector has been manufactured. The results of the mockup electrodynamic characteristics measurement have been presented.
The radiators manufactured according to the mockup will be used as part of the on-board and ground communication system antenna for UAV. The developed design provides high manufacturing accuracy and easy mockup assembling.
Litovskij D.A., Manakhova M.S., Alimirzoev G.M., Sorokin I.S., Trushanin A.A. Electromagnetic simulation, comparative analysis and manufacturing of a monofilar helix antenna. Antennas. 2022. № 1. P. 72–81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202201-05 (in Russian)
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