A. I. Sinani1, V. F. Vinyarsky2, D. P. Ustinov3
1–3 JSC “V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” (Zhukovsky, Russia)
In this article transmit-receive modules for X-band AESA, developed by JSC “V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” for the airborne radar of fifth-generation fighter interceptor Su-57 have been described. Designer and supplier of microwave element base for AESA is JSC RPC «Istok». Its technological level promoted designing and reclaiming the series manufacturing of element base for transmit-receive channels of this AESA in the form of two submodules with the required cross dimension.
The first microwave submodule (MW submodule) consists of one transmit channel and two receive channels. Transmit channel of the MW submodule provides amplification and independent control of the input signal phase to obtain specified power magnitude output (not less than 0.5 W). Two independent receive channels as part of the MW submodule provide amplification, amplification control and phase control in each receive channel.
In the second submodule (output power amplifier), power amplifiers are installed. In the transmission mode they provide Pout at least 10 W (for output power amplifier submodule 10) and at least 3 W (for output power amplifier submodule 3).
Besides these two submodules each channel includes the ferrite X-circulator and the power control circuit (PCC).
The authors of the article consider the transmit-receive modules TRС-80 for the X-band AESA, developed by JSC “V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” using the most advanced manufacturing technology of microwave MIC based on gallium arsenide heterostructures (RPC «Istok»). In this variant the transmit-receive channel consists of the one submodule TRC-80. Comparison of AESA with the submodule TRC-80 and AESA with the transmit-receive channel, developed for airborne radar SU-57, has been carried out.
Antenna development with a variant of the transmit-receive channel based on the submodule TRC-80 made it possible to solve a number of primary goals for AESA improving:
increasing the degree of the TRC-80 submodule (the most massive element) integration made it possible to reduce the dimensions and weight of the antenna; combining several devices (MW submodule, output power amplifier submodule, circulator, PCC, power modulators) in one place reduced the number of interelement connections and led to a reduction in the cost of mounting and assembling the antenna; using of miniature connectors based on Fuzz-button-type pressed contacts in microwave and low-frequency circuits made it possible to significantly reduce the number of soldered, welded and glue joints and to carry out repeated assembly/disassembly of modules by specialists of lower qualification;
using of microwave clip connectors actualized the multilayer power distributor development on symmetrical microstrip lines (instead of asymmetrical) and testing of modules with multilayer distributors and clip connectors confirmed expected increase between module channels and decrease in the channel excitation probability; improvement of the logic for controlling the amplitude-phase distribution for transmission and reception made it possible to improve the AESA parameters and expand the functionality of controlling the amplitude-phase distribution; development of software and hardware systems and improvement of measurements, creation of a database led to a decrease in labor costs when setting up, monitoring and testing submodules and AESA as a whole.
Sinani A.I., Vinyarsky V.F., Ustinov D.P. Main directions of development of multichannel transmit-receive modules for aviation AESA. Antennas. 2021. № 5. P. 79–85. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202105-09 (in Russian)
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