350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Improvement of energy distribution systems in antenna systems with electronic beam control
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202105-01
UDC: 621.372.832

V. A. Mitin1, N. A. Vinyarskaya2, M. S. Rybin3, V. N. Epishkina4

1–4  JSC “V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” (Zhukovsky, Russia)


Increase in the efficiency of antenna systems (AS) and in functionality, and stricter requirements to AS in terms of overall dimensions and weight require radical improvement in microwave energy distribution systems for apertures of phased antenna arrays.

The aim of the article is to explore ways to improve power distribution systems in AS with electronic beam control.

The issues of improving the waveguide distribution systems (WDS) of AS with electronic beam control for phased antenna arrays and active phased antenna arrays have been described. Waveguide devices based on a new element base, which make it possible to improve the characteristics of WDS, including those for active phased antenna arrays with digital beam forming, as well as distribution systems made with the use of a foil dielectric, have been considered.

The manufactured layouts of various variants of microwave distributors, including the optimized distributor, have been presented.

Pages: 5-15
For citation

Mitin V.A., Vinyarskaya N.A., Rybin M.S., Epishkina V.N. Improvement of energy distribution systems in antenna systems with electronic beam control. Antennas. 2021. № 5. P. 5–15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202105-01 (in Russian)

  1. Mitin V.A., Pozdnyakova R.D., Sinani A.I., Vinyarskaya N.A., Yastrebov B.P., Krylov P.K. Sistemy raspredeleniya energii v AS s EUL. V kn. «Antenny i radary s elektronnym upravleniem luchom». M.: Radiotekhnika. 2016. S. 202–232. (in Russian)
  2. Mitin V.A., Vinyarskaya N.A., Avdonina Yu.A., Alekseeva N.K., Kudryavtseva L.N., Krylova E.V. Volnovodnye ustrojstva na fol'girovannykh dielektrikakh i volnovodakh, zapolnennykh dielektrikom. V kn. «Antenny i radary s elektronnym upravleniem luchom». M.: Radiotekhnika. 2016. S. 151–169. (in Russian)
Date of receipt: 16.05.2021
Approved after review: 09.06.2021
Accepted for publication: 18.06.2021